I'm Chris Beard

I’m a front end web developer, designer
and UI/UX expert based in Virginia

Recent Projects
Never Bored
Always Inspired
Curious to see how I code?
Check my opensource projects

Ekklēsia Report Content Platform


I68 Consulting Group Platform

TECHNOLOGIES: HTML5, CSS3, ES6, Java, PostgresSQL, MongoDB, Jersey
ROLES: Project Manager, Front-End Developer, UI/UX Designer

Isomorphic, Static, React Website

About me
I'm going to keep it
short, I promise

Nice to meet you

My name is Christopher Beard, and I’m a former Real Estate Appraiser turned Front-End Web Developer.
You can read more about my journey here.

I’m a lifelong learner who loves taking on new challenges, especially when it comes to cutting-edge technologies.

I thrive in the intersection between creativity and logic, solving real world problems with a fresh and multidisciplinary approach.

In the last 7 years of my web development career, I have become well versed in a wide array of client side development techniques and disciplines that enable me to provide superior user experiences.

Along the way, I’ve developed a skill base that is broader than a typical front-end developer’s - I’m also a designer that takes pride in creating sublime user interfaces.

My hobbies include audio production, video editing, and writing.

I believe the web can fundamentally improve people’s lives, and I’m always looking for inspiring work that will allow me to contribute in meaningful ways.


  • Responsive Web Design.
  • Client-side and NodeJS development.
  • UI/UX Blueprinting and Design.
  • Linux server setup and administration.
  • Graphic Design.
  • Version control, automated testing/build/deployment.
  • Video editing and animation.
  • Audio Production.

I currently develop in Javascript, and regularly make use of libraries such as React, React Native and NodeJS. I love CSS3, and enjoy utilizing CSS Preprocessors like Sass and Stylus in order to craft unique and responsive user interfaces.

In addition, I am thoroughly acquainted with MongoDB and several Relational Databases. I am currently in the process of learning GraphQL, and am excited to use it in future projects.

While I primarily develop in JavaScript, I have no problem working with other languages such as Java, C#, or Ruby. I view programming languages as tools in a developer’s toolbox, and as such, it is important to choose the right tool for the job.

I’m always experimenting, always learning, and never bored.

Web Development tutorials,
musings, and opinions

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Hiring? Just want to chat?
I'm always open to new opportunities.
Drop me a line!

Get in touch

I can’t wait to hear about the amazing work we are going to do together.

You can send me an email at contact@chrisbeard.io

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